We are pleased to announce the 1st McNIBB symposium. The topic of this interesting event will be 2nd generation biofuel in particular feedstocks and US-Canada collaborations.
During this event, we will hear the view of several researchers including Dr. Sharon Shoemaker from UC Davis. Dr. Shoemaker, a professor at UC Davis, is the Executive Director of the California Institute of Food and Agricultural Research. Dr. Shoemaker is an expert on yeast strains for the conversion of biomass to ethanol and bacterial strains for cellulose conversion.
Joining her to present the American perspective will be Drs. VanderGheynst and Labavitch also from UC Davis and Dr. Art Ragauskas (to be confirmed) from the Georgia Institute of Technology as well as Dr. Bert Drake from the Smithsonian Research Institute.
Bringing the Canadian perspective to this symposium, Dr. Donald Smith (head of McNIBB) will present current Canadian opportunities in the second generation biofuels research. Dr. Mark Lefsrud and Dr. Michael Ngadi from McGill’s Department of Bioresource Engineering will talk about feedstock harvesting and conversion into biofuels.
US-Canada symposium on 2nd generation biofuels (feedstocks)
Location: downtown McGill Campus
Date: July 9th 2008
Tentative Agenda
Email Magali Merkx-Jacques should you wish to participate in this event by July 2nd 2008.
For more information, feel free to contact Magali Merkx-Jacques (Tel: 514–398–7861) or Dr. Donald Smith
More information on our speakers
- Dr. Donald Smith
www.mcgill.ca/plant/faculty/smith/ - Dr. Sharon Shoemaker
http://foodscience.ucdavis.edu/people/academic-and-research-affiliates/sshoemaker - Dr. Jean VanderGheynst
http://bae.engineering.ucdavis.edu/pages/faculty/vandergheynst.html - Dr. John Labavitch
faculty/labavitch.htm - Dr. Art Ragauskas
bio_ragauskas_art.html - Dr. Bert Drake
http://www.serc.si.edu/labs/co2/index.jsp - Dr. Michael Ngadi
http://www.mcgill.ca/bioeng/staff/ngadi/ - Dr. Mark Lefsrud
http://www.mcgill.ca/bioeng/staff/lefsrud/ - Dr. Jaswinder Singh
Jaswinder Singh bio PDF